Sunday, March 10, 2013

VAZ 2106

VAZ-2106 development began Center specialists style Volga car in 1974 as a "project 21 on for updating the model 2103 is to reduce the use of expensive chrome and to upgrade lighting at the lowest cost. Exterior car, designed in the spirit of the time with the use of black plastic, was created V.Antipinym, original tail lights - V.Stepanovym. Changes were made to the front lining, a back panel, bumpers, wheel covers, side turn signals, ventilation grilles, factory mark. Innovations in the interior upholstery and raised door armrests, front seats have adjustable head restraint. Controls completed the alarm and switch under the steering windshield washer, rheostat lighting instrument panel, as well as an indicator of a low brake fluid level. Improved configuration supplied with the radio, heated rear window and a red fog lamp, suspended from the rear bumper on the left or right (right-hand drive for export copies).For the car was prepared version of the engine in 2103, which on the model modification 21011 cylinder diameter has been increased from 76 to 79 mm, which has resulted in the working volume of 1.57 liters. The new long-stroke engine has shown a 12% more torque compared to the base (and at a much lower speed), but the maximum power on the then standard was only 78 hp instead of the calculated 80 because of the limited performance of the intake system, which for the sake of harmonization with other engines of the family left unchanged. However, transmission of the new engine is still adapted, first by creating a special version of the transmission, characterized by reduced ratios of the first three stages, and later bundling of the cars gearbox of a pair with a ratio that has been reduced to 3.9. The new power plant with minor modifications was used to being prepared at the time to the production model VAZ-2121 "Niva".Like the VAZ-2103, the new product planned to accompany the two less powerful version, for the body has traditionally provided for the possibility of executing a right hand drive. Also note that, as in the case of the VAZ-21011, for marketing reasons appearance modernized version of the model in 2103 did not mean an immediate removal from the production of its predecessor. In light of these circumstances, the initial designation updated car as 21,031, despite its undeniable logic, looked unpromising for future use and has been replaced by 2106. "Liberate" the same code 21031 was used to refer to the "real" versions in 2103, complete with a new engine (also temporarily designated "VAZ-21031") and released for the sake of consumer reviews of it are very small party (150-200 units) in the summer of 1975 . A distinctive feature of these cars was a red or yellow color of the cylinder head engine, depending on the version of the gearbox (respectively, from the previous close gear ratios or adapted).
December 28 of that year, a copy of this model has three million cars built Volga car, and June 3, 1978 - four million. May 17, 1979 one of the VAZ-2106, sent to Czechoslovakia, became a million Soviet car sold in the CMEA.During the production of the car repeatedly been made minor changes. Since 1980, all the "Lada" were equipped with carburetor "Ozone" instead of the previous "Weber." After withdrawing from the production model in 2103 for "six" in a few years, partly replaced by a set of moldings: Explain the elements supplied with terminal clamps, instead of the lower chrome moldings appeared black plastic, was excluded from registration edging wheel arches. Along the way, disappeared red reflectors on the rear fenders, the background instead of the cherry factory mark was black, was canceled chrome rims side direction indicators, steel mounted rear air vents of the VAZ-2105. Some simplification has undergone electrical circuit: since 1987 built into the ends of the front doors red lights were replaced reflectors, and since 1993 has been excluded from the scheme of the relay control lamp flashing brake. In 1986, VAZ-2106 received the rear brakes from 2105, and a year and a transmission of the same model. By the late 80's. stops accepting wheel covers and visors Mudguard between body and bumpers, gradually disappeared from the interior of imitation "chrome" and "tree", came to naught different color variations upholstery. In the early 90's eliminated chrome drain, later further reduce the cost model for the plant even tried to refuse side moldings (such cars were popularly known as "naked"), but this "innovation" There was very disapproving and was quickly canceled. In the second half of the 90 were set inertia seat belts, steering wheel from a family later in 2105, a standard fog light and optional front power. Copies of the last years of production lost hromirovku rims tail lights, very often chrome and grille. "Izhevsk" machines manned the front seats from "Izh-2126" ("Ode")."Six" for a long time (1976 to 1982) remained the most prestigious model in the range of "Lada", earning the reputation of the car increased comfort and durability. Obviously, these consumer properties of the model, along with its gradually increasing affordability and have a guarantee that the late 80's and up until the early 2000s. it enjoyed strong demand from poorer sections of the population despite its obvious obsolescence and deteriorating from year to year the build quality and components.The first car VAZ-2106 has gone main conveyor line III February 21, 1976 When in Togliatti mastered production of the VAZ-2106 (Lada 1600), which was redesigned for the local conditions of the FIAT 124 Speciale sample in 1972, no one could imagine that she would become the most popular and mass production of the Volga car."Six" is different from the VAZ-2103 a more powerful 80-horsepower engine VAZ-2106 cylinder capacity of 1.6 liters, a different electrical circuit and a modified design of the exterior and interior. Thus, the front twin headlights have plastic "glasses", modified grille, there are other rear lights and bumpers with plastic fangs.In comparison with the "Moskvich" the 5-seat sedans have better dynamics and really comfortable interior, were riding comfort and prestige for the general motorists USSR. In the late 1970s, the VAZ-2106 immediately gained fame "chic" and fast cars, but expensive and less "practical" than the other "Lada". Decent for the time dynamics (maximum 150 km / h and 16 to 100 km / h), embossed seats with headrests, instrument panel with tachometer and a great sound insulation - was something to appreciate. + The first six had wool rugs with rubber protection, thicker metal, wood trim dash and patterns on the doors.In 1979, the plant has adjusted release less powerful version VAZ-21061 with a 71-horsepower engine VAZ-2103 and VAZ-21063 with a 64-horsepower engine VAZ-21011. They are popular among the people did not use, but the scale of production increases (especially 21 063), and under the Soviet deficit consumer had to put up with a mix of expensive and weighted body with a weak engine, the severe deterioration trend. Since 1980 began to mount carburetors Ozone type 2107. The change in electrical connection with the change in technology occur constantly. In 1977, the car started to equip the new terminals and wiring connections, and from 1986 set a new relay.In 1982 he organized the first modernization of the car. The VAZ-2106 began to mount upgraded 75-horsepower (new guest) engines VAZ-2106. At the rear wing on the line ceased molding install reflectors. In 1988, the modernization was the exhaust system: it put the washer and nut disposable. In 1990, the WHA mastered a kind of equipment Luxury - VAZ-21065 with a standard engine VAZ-2106 with a contactless ignition system, carburetor type "Solex" (21053-1107010-03), halogen headlights, improved upholstery and other headrest.Export version of VAZ-21064 looks different from the VAZ-21065 bumpers with integrated turn signals and a slightly different circuitry. Since 1985, the first modification to export, and then sometimes the "internal" began to establish a 5-speed gearbox type VAZ-2112, and later - the type VAZ-21074, which reduces fuel consumption on the highway and the noise from the engine.But times are changing. By the end of 1980, this model with modifications remained the most widespread and popular in the program VAZ. Of course, it is not prestigious thought, but good memory of the first family of "Lada" maintained a strong demand for "six." It is unaffected by even a low-power dominance modifications VAZ-21063 and a sharp deterioration in the quality of the assembly and components in 1990. The car eventually become so affordable that moved into the category unpretentious "work horses". He has developed and the standing army of fans.

VAZ 2103

   Soviet RWD passenger car with a body "sedan". It is developed in cooperation with the firm Fiat (Italy) on the base model Fiat 124 and serially produced at the Volga Automobile Plant in 1972-1984 years. To export the "troika" was branded Lada 1500. Fiat 124, which is a series of prototype models of VAZ 2101 and 2103, was first introduced to the public in 1964, mass production began in Italy in 1966 om.Kogda signed an agreement on the draft WHA, it was agreed that the company will provide Fiat (apart from the technical design of the plant) All documentation for two cars, "normal" and "luxury." "Fiat" were offered turnkey solutions, already utilized in the production: as a car "normal» - Fiat 124, "luxury» - Fiat 125.Pervonachalno such offer Soviets took . But as more detailed work on the project it became clear that these two models are the "Fiat", despite the similarity of appearance, are, in general, is fundamentally different machines, each with a minimum uniform drugom.Naprimer, "125" model is superior " 124 "in size, with the" 124 "is equipped with a motor nizhnevalnym having rod valve train for 1200 cm3, and" 125 "- the engine with a pair of upper cam belt driven for 1600 bricks and power of 90" horses ". The chassis also significantly different, as "125" was made based on the obsolete Fiat brand in 1500, developed in the late 1950s. In particular - with spring rear suspension, soft and comfortable, but the archaic and demanded the development of the Union production of springs desired type, and the case is sufficiently "capricious" and challenging. "Dismantled, the Soviet delegation came to the conclusion that such a situation it is not could be arranged. She demanded to provide high - up to 80% - the unification of car number 1 and number 2, and - enter the machine number 1 overhead camshaft engine. From the Italian side of these requirements met strong resistance, especially with respect to changes in dvigatele.Delo that verhnevalny engine at 1.2 liters to "Fiat" has already been created, but as a promising innovation, which has not held a full check on the durability and reliability. For obvious reasons, to give their new products the company is not hotelo.Odnako in future negotiations consensus yet been found: finishing work on the motor verhnevalnomu conducted with Soviet engineers. On the same basis, and it created a power set at 1.5 liters, designed for car number 2.Nuzhno note created as a result of a car engine № 1 (1200 cubes) and remained essentially nedovedennym even at the stage of serial production. Because it has a relatively rapid wear cam (90 per cent share of 63,000 kilometers, average - 80), primarily due to the design flaws (high loading of the contact cam shaft and the valve lever, and insufficient supply of oil). On cars Fiat engine, this option is not primenyalsya.Chto for the machine number 2, then decided to leave the external appearance similar to the model of the "125", but to maximize commonality with the number 1.Priemlemym option was to use of the developments of the company "Fiat" to version of "124" model with upgraded decor - 124 Special («Spechyal"), while under development. Then work on two projects carried out in parallel with mutual influence, and get a result - got into the series in 1968 Fiat 124S and developed in 1972nd "troika" - if not backed up externally to each other, it is quite clearly resonated.

  In other words, Fiat 124S is not a prototype "three rubles" (as many think). They are different versions of the same car, and they worked out together and in parallel, but the development of the Soviet model of late by four years, which is understandable in the context of building a new car plant and the prevailing need to first learn the car number 1, the "norm" as a massive and necessary for initial mining tehnologii.Kak and appearance, construction of the "124" model has been changed, the designers were able to update the exterior of the car as compared to the reference "penny" and the Fiat 124. This is achieved through the brilliant extra finishing details that gave "three rubles" visual impression is obviously more upscale cars, as well as using a more spacious and comfortable interior. By the way, have often been observed that the exterior design was developed for the Soviet version, looked generally more successful and more modern than the one used by the Italians at Fiat 124S.Ofitsialno development of "three" was in the 1972nd, but in reality series production began only in early 1973 - th. First 1,500 cars built in the IV quarter of 1972, fitted with cabin on the model VAZ-2101 because of difficulties with the start of production "troechnyh" components to interior design. Produced them under the symbol VAZ-2103V (letter "B" means "time"). In the retail sale, they did not receive, and sold to employees of VAZ and related to the development predpriyatiy.Odnovremenno VAZ-2103 and was considered the best option to the versatile design of the type of the "troika" - the VAZ-2104. But because of the utilitarian wagon - hateful "workhorse" - decided to abandon the concept. However, in 1976, was made three "luxury touring", and one of these samples had the opportunity to work for seven years in the design center of the plant as commercials avto.Vposledstvii index in 2104 was given in a series of completely different car - station wagon based on VAZ-2105.72- strong drive "three" made it possible to achieve a "weave" for 17 seconds, making it the most dynamic of the production car of the Soviet period and the dynamics comparable with foreign counterparts on klassu.Razlichiya in finishing shops "three" and "penny" were significant. Headroom has increased by 15 mm, and the distance from the seat to the ceiling is 86 centimeters. The instrument panel with clock and - a legacy of sports Fiat Research - tachometer changed completely. On the floor there were carpets of thick fabric, improved the sound insulation and appearance. Were introduced additional lining of plastic, and thus inside the little room with the "naked" metal - in accordance with the standards of the 1970s. Trunk version of the "luxury" also had a great finish from plastika.Za twelve cars were produced 1304899 "third" model. For years, the VAZ-2103 is rightly regarded as a comfortable, dynamic and reliable car, and some fans believe it marks the most stylish and elegant model of "Lada" in history. Which replaced the "Six" was made before 2006 and is actively maintained in Russia and neighboring countries.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

VAZ 2102

VAZ-2102 "Lada" - passenger rear wheel drive car with a body type wagon. Was developed and commercially produced at the Volga Automobile Plant from 1971 to 1985.

The new model was largely unified with the base sedan VAZ-2101. Dashboard and for the driver are identical to those of the VAZ-2101. The edge of the tailgate raised to bumper and is flush with the floor, which simplifies the operation of loading and unloading. Solid-folding rear seat that allows you to get a horizontal cargo area. License plate on the rear door, the rear lights are arranged vertically. The technical level of estate at the time featured a weak seal interior of dust from the back door and through the neck of petrol vapor tank. For greater mass cargo-VAZ-2102 suspension springs and shock absorbers have been further strengthened, which helped to keep the capacity of 250 kg with two passengers (or 60 kg with five passengers) despite the fact that its own weight of the car compared to the sedan VAZ-2101 increased by 55 kg.
  Enjoyed a well-deserved love until the VAZ 2104. A vehicle with a station wagon for the first time went vazovskogo pipeline in 1971. Spare tire and fuel tank moved under the trunk, leaving luggage transported flat floor luggage compartment. This machine used a popular among vacationers and tourists with a convertible rear.

The car was equipped with a gasoline engine capacity of 64 liters. with. using gasoline AI-93. Due to the increased load on the engine and the clutch gear ratio of a pair increased from 3.9 to 4.4, using the so-called cargo gear.

In 1978 was launched modifications VAZ-21021 with four 69-horsepower engine VAZ-21011. It was intended primarily for export, as well as the VAZ-21023 with a carbureted engine VAZ-2103 power 71 hp In the export performance of the VAZ-2102 equipped with wiper and smyvatelem glass rear cargo doors, seat of the VAZ-2106 with headrests.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

VAZ 2101

VAZ 2101 is the first brand of cars built Volga Automobile Plant. For its origin was the "FIAT-124." At first glance, the machine did not differ much from his "proraditelya", but was much better adapted to the conditions of the Soviet and Russian perennial problem - roads.

August 15, 1966 between FIAT and of Foreign Trade signed an agreement on cooperation. At the same time the construction of the USSR's largest venture to produce cars. As the construction of the plant was tested FIAT 124, the purpose of which was to identify design flaws Italian car and its subsequent adaptation to Russian conditions. The bulk of finishing work by specialists with FIAT, which take into account the wishes of local colleagues.
VAZ 2101 - was proudly dubbed "Lada", and is popularly nicknamed "Kopek". However, in terms of promoting border car name "Lada" was unsuccessful. For a number of languages, it was dissonant. For example, the name "Lada" was in tune with the Arabic "Dzhigul" - a thief ... On this as an export name was chosen ear pleasing "Harmony."

"Lada" conceived as the people's car, which is at a relatively low price could saturate the "insatiable" Soviet market. But designers and factory engineers and mechanics in the future faced with many problems that have prevented effective problem-solving. Immediately had to abandon the idea of ​​affordable cars for the average person. However, the export machine went fine. Over 57 thousand cars were sent to the socialist countries - East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Yugoslavia. Soon the "Lada" appeared on the roads of Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria, Switzerland, Egypt and Nigeria.
April 19, 1970 on the main line of the Volga plant was built the first copy of the new model, which brought the assembly line Italian chef instructor Benito Guido Savoini.

The ancestor of the whole "VAZ" "classics" VAZ 2101 differed enhanced four-sedan "canonical" shape, more advanced engine, transmission and a modified chassis. Engine was more progressive overhead camshaft in the cylinder head. Clearance increased by 3 cm, reworked suspension and effort (as shown, though not enough), rear disc brakes replaced on the drum as more resistant to contamination and durable (according to the developers, the Italian disc pads on a bad road to mechanical wear to the metal for the 500 - 600 kilometers), added "curve starter" (starting handle engine). Appeared outside the door mirror (left), door handles are recessed injury prevention. Was substantially redesigned engine - camshaft moved to the head, increase the distance between the cylinders (to be able to increase their diameter). Vehicle weight has increased by 90 kg. Only a construction of the "Fiat" was made more than 800 changes, both Italian and Soviet sides. The bulk of the project, according to experts VAZ-a, however, was made by the Italians.
The interior was made at that time (70 years) rather soundly. Hood that opens to the side of the vehicle, hinged to the body along the front edge and is secured at one point lock. The trunk is located in the rear. Locking lid locks and unlocks the key. Was located in the trunk spare tire, jack, and set the driver's tools and accessories. The front seats are separated with folding backrests and seat adjustment mechanism and backrest. Rear seat - fixed, whole.

Carburetors 2101 the first series produced up to 1974, the second - up to 1976, the third series (2101-1107010-03) - from 1976 to 1978. Since 1979, the machines installed carburetors series "Ozone-2105" with an autonomous system of idling.
Later released modifications VAZ 21011 and 21013 with upgraded bodywork and engines of 1.3 and 1.2 liters. Major changes occurred in the modification of the body 21011 (1974 year), which was more convenient for the shape of the front seats and slightly altered controls and ashtray from the rear armrest transferred directly to the door panels. In addition to this modification (which at one time were given for the new model Lada 1300) was a more powerful 69-horsepower engine capacity of 1.3 liters. These cars are equipped with a grille with more of a horizontal cross in the bottom of the front end were four additional ventilation slots. Bumpers lost canines and received in return the perimeter rubber pads. On the C-pillar holes appeared forced exhaust air vents, covered with decorative grilles, brake lights and turn signals retrofit reflectors. Signal appeared reverse. Three years later, was presented version VAZ-21013 with a body 21 011 and 1.2-liter VAZ-2101. "Militia" modification VAZ-21016 equipped with a powerful 71-hp (77 hp in the old guest) engine VAZ-2103.
Since the appearance of the VAZ-2101 in the early seventies, is not, world-class design, Togliatti was drafted modernize the car, which included the installation of a 1.3 liter engine, rectangular headlights of the "Moskvich" and a number of other changes. There were a few design options. In the series, none of them did not, but the engine is increased working volume subsequently fitted to the model VAZ-21011 (from 1974), which had a minimum of external differences from the base model, and developments in design have been the starting point of the work on the model of a comprehensive modernization - VAZ -2105.

AvtoVAZ was released only 2.7 million "of ones" made a real revolution in paint, rubber and other industries operating in the domestic auto industry. It is with the development of production of VAZ-2101 began to truly mass motorization Soviet Union, with all its positive and negative consequences. Already in the mid-seventies of the Volga car factory made cars are about half of the park in the country, and their share continues to grow.

In 2000, a survey of almost 80,000 motorists from Russia and the CIS countries, the magazine "Driving", the WHA in 2101 recognized as "the best Russian car of the century". 25% of respondents as the best Russian car VAZ century called "penny." In second place with 19% of the "Volga" - GAZ-21, on the third - "ten" model "Lada".

GAZ 21 (volga)

    In 1953 at the Gorky Automobile Plant. Molotov was decided to develop a completely new model of the car, which would replace the conveyor outdated by the standards of the global automotive fashion, the legendary M-20 "Victory". Created a design team led by A. Nevzorov at the end of the 53rd year, has begun to develop the car. Strong influence on the development of a new model body designs have the "Ford" - "ancestor" of the gas. Machine Design developed the Leo Eremeev.
Already in 1954, when the design of the project was approved, the construction of prototypes. They were equipped with experimental OHV engine with hemispherical combustion chamber and a chain-driven camshaft. The new car was developed two transmissions - automatic and manual. Both were three-way. The main gear was not the first hypoid as on models manufactured after 1957, the year, and the cone. The car had independent front suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers lever. Back, common, independent on the longitudinal semi-elliptic leaf springs. Tires 6,70-15. With the bonnet of the car soared chrome deer. From him at the center hood to the windshield was wide molding. Grille with 10 vertical holes. The rear lights have included parking lights, brake and turn signals - three in one red lens and reversing lights in steel chrome salary. "Volga" are equipped with a three-band radio as standard equipment. The exceptions were modified taxi - "21A" (later "21T"). By taxi instead of whole front sofa set two separate chairs. There was in these modifications and the cigarette lighter. Large round clock with the words in a half-circle of the "Made in the USSR" is installed on all versions of the car.

In 1955, the government began May 3 tested three samples of "Volga" - both with automatic transmission and one with a manual. Part of the test was run Moscow - Crimea and back. "Volga" must go, where is the "Victory", and tests have shown that it is even better than its predecessor on patency.

First production models, in which the technology of conveyor assembly, collected October 10, 1956-year. A full-scale conveyor assembly in December 1956 - the official start date of the car model M-21 "Volga".

The first cars were equipped with central lubrication system (DCS). When you press the pedal to the special liquid oil came from a tank on the oil line to the 19-point grease the front suspension and steering rod joints. From a system that was abandoned in 1959 in favor of the traditional rubber bushings and grease fittings.

From the earliest prototypes, hood "Volga" decorated figure frozen in a dynamic pose deer. The choice of this animal as a heraldic emblem had deep roots - deer have long depicted on the coat of arms of Nizhny Novgorod. Nakapotnaya stylized figure had traditional emblems of cars in the form of animals proportions and stance.
Figurine of a deer had some differences depending on the year of the car, and draw images of the prototypes across those that have separate shows deer antlers and a higher level of detail than serial.

In all the "Volga" with regular set "deer" with the plant, in addition to the statues, the hood had long cast longitudinal trim, which is a continuation of the sculptural legs deer, clear (not red) plastic stand and the so-called "boat" - a pointed end portion of the molding encircling the stand.
From the appearance of the "Volga" nakapotnaya her figure was very popular, were frequent cases of theft statuettes bonnet of the car for sale or a kind of "collectibles." Therefore, and because of its high cost and - most importantly - traumatic, even in the late fifties figure deer stopped to put on export cars and taxis, replacing it with "drop" - travmobezopasnoy streamlined shape elongated shape. In 1962, all the ornaments off the hood of the "Volga" was removed - and the deer stand, and drop, and the longitudinal trim of two parts.

On the "Volga" the first issue facing front end was in the same style as the "Victory" last series (1955-1958) - three horizontal chrome bar. The upper beam was laid on the hood and the bottom to confine the edges turn indicators. Composition crowned five-pointed star. The appearance of the cladding on the first series of machines - is another story. On mandatory display of experimental vehicles in the Kremlin did not like the front end design of GK Zhukov. The factory in Moscow was given urgent cond injective: remake. Altered. Star Marshal could not be to the liking. In 1958, when the captain fell into disgrace, has come a new directive - remake. By the time it was released about 31 thousand "Volga" with the star.
Own motor car was only in 1957. It was an overhead valve engine. Camshaft drive carried textolite helical gears. The cylinder block and head cast in aluminum alloy. Cooling jacket was a "wet" liners. In modern engines, "Volga" working volume remained the same as in the first, - 2.445 liters. To "GAZ-21" and "GAZ-21", he gave 70 liters. with. at 4000 rev. / min. and maximum torque of 17 kg at 2200 rev. / min. On the "Volga" was first in the local car was commercially used automatic transmission. It was a "Spark" torque converter and planetary 3-speed manual. However, there was napryazhenka with quality oils and high quality service. Ordeals of 700 owners of cars with guns led to the fact that since 1958, the year the "Volga" were installed only a mechanical 3-speed gearbox.

Modification of the "Volga" are divided into three main lineup. In common parlance, "the star", "shark mouth" and "baleen". In fact, the plant changed four times the index base model. And at the beginning of the production of new versions were produced each time a significant number of so-called "transitional" models. For example: at the end of 1958 produced the "Volga" with index 21B, but with a new front bumper, radiator grille with vertical holes, etc.
So, the start of serial production of "Volga" is dated December 1956 year. Issued two vehicle modifications: basic general-purpose model - M-21B, and modification for a taxi - M-21G. Taxis are different from the basic model is installed with radio counter, warning lamp and green seats, upholstered in leatherette type tekstovinit (base model was upholstered with elements avtobima (also leather), gamma upholstery depend on the color of the body).

On cars are upgraded nizhneklapannym "pobedovsky" engine, bored and 2432 cu. see power 65hp The main gear was a spiral-bevel.

Another characteristic of the distinctive elements of these particular vehicles, the first issue was finishing frame rear window. This item was placed on all versions up to the third quarter of 1958, the first year.

The first production of "Volga" nitroemalyu painted and produced from the Belgian steel.

In May 1957, the "Volga" began installing a new overhead valve engine, created especially for her. Simultaneously started the installation of rear axle with hypoid final drive. With the introduction of these innovations changed the factory index basic model in the M-21B. Taxi received index M-21A.
Then have started making modifications to export with enhanced by increasing the compression ratio engine. Its index - M-21d.
In 1958 he started producing versions with automatic transmission. Basic general-purpose model has an index and M-21. The modification to export installed forced induction engine, this car has received index M-21E. Unfortunately, the production of "Volga" with automatic transmission was discontinued in the year due to lack of conditions in the country to ensure proper care for the "automatic".
Since the beginning of 1959 the car has undergone major exterior changes. Installed a new radiator grille with 16 vertical holes, front bumper and sidelights. On cars are a new form of the instrument panel (speaker receiver removed first), and reducing the size of the radio. On the rear fenders the rubber aprons - mudguards. On the back of the front seat and put the soft rail ashtray for rear passengers, and the rear lights have introduced reflective element - reflectors. Appeared windscreen washer, later upgraded.
In addition to external changes in the factory applied primer body immersion, which greatly increased the corrosion resistance of the machine. Longevity Body "Volga" was determined by its corrosion protection, not of iron, as we often hear. The thickness of the bottom plate and the roof was only 1.1 mm, and parts of feathers and even less - 0.9 mm. But the "black" box besides cleaning and etching exposed phosphatization and then primed by immersion. After drying, the body "dipped" for the second time and re-dried. Primed surfaces manually aligned. At the bottom of both sides of anti-sprayed mastic, which, in essence, is an additional layer of protection. Very thoroughly coated with her joints and wheel arches. Only after that the body stained synthetic enamel.
The new models have the following indexes: base version - M-21I, modification for export - M-21K - differed from the base uprated engine and chrome belt molding, extending along the lower edge of the glass body. Taxis index has not changed - the M-21A.

In 1960 he changed the polarity of the vehicle electrical system: the body is fed the "minus" (instead of "plus" on the first models). Started the installation of telescopic shock absorbers instead of levers and fine filter fuel. Eliminated centralized chassis lubrication. On the part of the car instead of the coarse and fine filters are clean install centrifugal oil filter. However, due to its unreliability, soon returned to the original scheme
In 1961, the plant began to install the roof sheathing with bezgvozdevym mount. Upgraded front seat (removed from the back deck legs).

When assembling the body began to use a single piece sidewall. Since their introduction the opportunity to adjust the position of the door in the opening.
In 1962, spending the last update external "Volga". Cars 'third series' different grille with 36 narrow slits, bumpers, lower decorative overlays, factory mark, Front and rear lights and license plate light. With the hood removed nakapotny ornament - "deer" or "drop". The interior used new upholstery. With the installation of new bumpers front tow hooks appeared. Was subjected to a major upgrade engine - its power increased to 75 hp Improved front suspension. With bumpers disappeared fangs. Themselves bumpers have become more refined. Chrome now covers only the upper part of them, and the lower apron, painted in body color. Front bumper in terms of acquired wedge. In the grille instead of the 16 large holes appeared narrow 36. The rear lights have lost their steel salary, together with reflectors were cast in plastic. New license plate light on the trunk got the form hovering seagulls.

Base version received index M-21L. Also made: M-21U with improved trim, M-21T - for a taxi (in 1963 it set separate front seats); export version - M-21M. The latter differs from the basic set chrome trim front and rear windows, lap pads, pads front and rear wings and the stylized words "Volga" in the front fenders. To export cars also were set boosted to 80 or 85 years hp engines.

Started producing modifications for export to countries with left-hand traffic. The model has received index M-21E. Distinguish it from 21M were in the right location of the controls.
Simultaneously with the release of "third series" started mass production car based on the M-21 with the body of the "universal". The base model has a code of M-22. Modification of "universal" for the export index was M-22M and differs from the basic set of decorative elements like chrome model M-21M. Also, it was possible engine power setting of 80 or 85 hp

Modification of the 22 th to be used as an ambulance - M-22B. Interior divided by a partition into the driver's compartment and sanitary. In the latter mounted stretchers, and there were two seats. In the driver's seat compartment installed separately; receiver were equipped model does not. Sanitary modification, intended for export, the designation M-22BM.
In 1962, GAZ-21, 195-strong set dvigatelV8 of "The Seagull", automatic transmission, and a modification called "GAZ-23". Exclusive customer "GAZ-23" was the KGB. This car was heavier than the base for more than 100 kg, and developed an average speed of 160 km / h, a top speed of hundred for 16 seconds (compared to 34 seconds for the "GAZ-21L"). Brake booster under the hood compartment has no place, and the braking system is unchanged.

Interior of these vehicles was sometimes decorated with rich, there were additional ceiling lighting is often installed leather seats, headlamp-finder and other equipment, used insulation.
Externally, the car is no different from the serial 21st. And even two pipe exhaust system reduces underneath in one pipe. Car version 23A was developed originally as a basic modification of the car with a manual transmission, which later turned out to be able to work with such a powerful engine. Therefore, in the "series" went car with an automatic transmission and no letter index. There was the same machine 23B - export version 23 - with chrome trim exterior.
From 1962 to 1970, was issued 603 "GAZ-23".
In 1964, the plant produced the latest upgrade of the "Volga". Externally, it is not changed. The car was reinforced front side members, roller bearings in the front hub. Was upgraded front seat: reduced height of the pillow and put adjustable backrest. Heater is installed more performance, upgraded windshield wipers. To improve temperature control engine redesigned pump. The modifications to the body "versatile" reinforced springs for larger capacity.

For vehicles that went into production in 1965, a group of U.S. experts, headed by E. Molchanov finished version restyling, not having gone into production. This project is sometimes conventionally referred to as "the fourth series of" GAZ-21.
If it was implemented, the GAZ-21 models in 1965 would have received a new futuristic rectangular contours of the grille with horizontal bars and blackening, molding on the side, the new, more modern caps. Overall, the car is well-known figures on the impression of futuristic, dynamic and visually pleasant enough. Of course, this project would significantly "rejuvenate" later editions of "Volga" in appearance.

However, for a variety of reasons (mostly having to 1965 almost completed project "Volga" new generation - GAZ-24), the project was not implemented, and the model 1965 does not differ in appearance from the model in 1962.
The designation of modifications "Volga" letter "M" was replaced by "GAS" - the base model designated GAZ-21R. Taxi - GAZ-21T.

For export produced three versions. GAZ-21US differs from the basic set of chrome trim elements, the engine - standard, 75 hp The modification GAZ-21C mounted 80-horsepower engine, as it was different from 21US exterior mirrors and chrome lip on the end of the exhaust pipe. For countries drive on the left produced a modification GAZ-21H, which mans like 21C, but had mounted gearshift lever on the floor.
Base version with a body "versatile" received index GAZ-22B. Export - GAZ-22g. Sanitary index model had GAZ-22e, it reinforced springs have not set.
In 1958, the Soviet automobile exposition at Brussels International exhibition was awarded the "Grand Prix". Given that such exhibitions collected the cream of the global industry, and competition "Car of the Year" was not yet invented, the best car of the year 1958, at least in Europe, can be considered "GAZ-21" and "GAZ-13". In Belgium, the "Volga" dubbed "tank on wheels." In Finland and Norway - "tank in evening dress." In England, where it sold 15 vehicles (right-hand drive version with "21E"), the "Volga" spoken of as a "work horse." (For export to the drive on the left was released about 100 cars, most of which went to Indonesia.) Wherever it was sold, the car has proven to be an extremely reliable and low maintenance.

Lineup GAZ-21 "Volga" in 1964 produced almost no change to the end of production. Last GAZ-21 "Volga" off the line Gorky Automobile in 18 hours and 40 minutes of July 15, 1970-year. It was a modification 21US color "anthracite." Just 13 and a half years, was released 638,875 vehicles M (GAS) - 21 and its modifications.